UX Designer Seeking

New Opportunities

to Drive Change In

Human Design.


Branding & Graphic Design

The intense competition in the coffee market compelled The Weekend Coffee Shop to find a unique solution to set itself apart.

The answer? A branding that mixes modern and art deco styles to attract customers seeking a different experience. But we are more than just a coffee shop – we’re a community of urban heroes who share ideas, stories, and passions.


Branding & Graphic Design

How can a market research agency set itself apart and stay agile in a constantly evolving industry?

Cult Research’s unique branding emphasizes empathy and versatility, allowing them to connect with diverse audiences and quickly adapt to changing market trends.

Cult Research is more than just data analysts – they are empathic storytellers dedicated to understanding and sharing the stories of the communities they serve.


Logo Design

Each logo uniquely represents a brand’s identity, carefully crafted to ensure it resonates with its target audience.

Through my work, I have honed my skills to deliver exceptional design solutions that leave a lasting impression.

The logos reflect the brand’s unique identity and values, whether for a small business or a multinational corporation.


UI Design

Alexia Logopedic Clinic, a reputable agency, required a website redesign to address its need for an online presence and expand its reach.

The new website features a user-friendly design, easy navigation, and informative content to help clients find the right services.

With the new website, Alexia Logopedic Clinic can now engage with a broader audience and establish a solid online presence.


Web Design

Start With Monde, an NGO that aims to secure funding for Ugandan children, centers on creating a compelling online presence.

It highlights the organization’s mission to make a difference in children’s lives and encourages visitors to contribute to the cause.

The site features a visually appealing layout emphasizing donations’ positive impact while providing transparent information on where funds go.